Sunday, October 28, 2012

board edit

People Who Have Watched Her Show the Most
fans! 8D

Leave me alone!

How dare you?  How important do you think you are?

Message in a Bottle

You know, your messages will build up.

What do you think of always getting useless messages?

I tagged my last post.


What do you think of people who are constantly nasty to you?


What do you think of people who don't know how to deal with things?

How Gay?

Someone really can't get a grip.  I've totally like lost my connection with my thoughts.  No use getting on my case like some gay phony.

Disgusting :p

It looks like you've arranged yourself unfairly around me to make me attest to certain things that shouldn't be.

One Direction

What do you think of noticing certain extremities of generations that don't really match specifically and saying it doesn't apply to another?

Tim Burton!

Ever since Tim Burton was popular, people expected like everything to be perfect for them, no matter what they were and that everything didn't matter and now it does.  =0


Do you know people who go undercover and pop up later?


I remember now in the one earlier today, the frog|cat was saying think I can't pick you up by your feet a few times and stimulated me a few times there and then I felt like a baton.

Who do you think you are?

Who goes by and pieces together the feeling of some sensation that shouldn't be?  And then uses it to govern the mood and doings?  Just to abuse one person, clearly, over others.  We all make mistakes.  Who do you think you are?


I added back the pages on Highlights and Updates


So, I'm kinda tired.. :/

I just had some sweets, too.  I need to eat a better variety of food.  Pizza?


I'm having problems thinking of something special to me!  What uptight-

So, are you okay?

I just was upset.  I don't think I meant to curse certain people out, but I guess something happened.  Wait, maybe, it did really happen.  It might not have been on purpose  :|


I try not to curse at you again but probably will in some way.  I just hope nothing happens to make me want to.  It's my blog.  It's my privacy.

Cursing is not the center of attention.  It's something people do to be funny and when they don't know what to say and when they're used to it.  I know I didn't go to the grocery store one week and was eating a lot of hamburgers and then got mad on my blog.  :(  I think I had cursed before, in general.

I see now I didn't do anything nasty like call anyone shit outright, recently.  I said I was being treated like shit.  :|

Well, the proof is in the pudding, try to erase the memory.  :|


I don't remember it all at the moment, but Celine Dion was in it.  Ah yes.  I was wrapping Christmas presents.  So far, I just had thin slices of chocolate.  I went off to some place to look at like a stand that you rotate of goods.  My mom advised me and someone like my grandma was there to help me.  Ah yes, I was in like a church and someone was singing like Celine Dion, and sometimes I sang along.  Celine Dion was watching.  I think it was "Call the Man."  I got attention, and she handed something to me, like in a chapel on the side, to let me in on like a joke of what I really wanted to do.  That and the singing were the peak.  Supposedly, I was a really good singer.  The rotating thing was outside.  It had something to do with putting things in cards, too, red ones with like red and green and white cards.

A snack and back to bed maybe.

}:0 What's your problem?

Yes, I got up!  I got up to say I don't want to feel my father nor disgusting people when I'm trying to feel in bed!  What's your problem?

Proven Stupid

I got the idea that, blatantly, my dad thought he was like right and better than everyone else or something I forget oh yea and he doesn't care how he treats other people, like pointing out nice ones, thinking he's smart and moving things along.  I'm so sick of this.  I wanted to grow up in the west, in Hollywood.  I don't throw away my experiences.  }:)  Like, he thinks that like I'm worse than shit and it seems others think I'm not even a nigger, but that's not true and that didn't have to happen.  Like, I get the feeling he's staring others down, and he doesn't know it.  We shouldn't give in to shit like that.  I hate you all!  I'm just gonna *beep* you!

I need to fix my site.


I'm going through the thought of broken up from what I imagined like a concentration on the eyes, in relation to a picture of a girl with white hair with seedy, lazy eyes I put on on my Twitter.  }80

Back to Bed 8)

The Good Feeling in My Arm

I know I think I could feel it, but I guess watching a girl after talking about Tim Burton helped.  The influence of a girl who wants to touch me more personally always helps.  :|

Yea, the feeling was so strong.  I felt it so long but sorta broken up.


Why do I keep getting these sassy messages?  I'm being treated like shit, like holding out, with no respect.  You think I have no discipline, but I've tried to be disciplined since I can remember.  Well, maybe since my mom disciplined me, too.  I think I was before, though.  Peopel always said I was outta this world like too shy and good.  How dare you make such racist suggestions!  If something happens and there's a reason, by other people that means I'm right.  You'll find there are more than one reason.  It does make me uncomfortable.  :|


I'm being bombarded with messages, like associating things together that I don't like that will come up later.  I'm being born into to like think when I'm tired, and it's not hard to wonder why I'm tired of thinking!  ':0

What's going on?

Why do I keep getting messages of things being physical and literal but having no meaning?


So, I still had a place open where I could find out about singing.  Tim got Johnny there, and I couldn't open him, a silver thing in a bottomless abyss.  I walked down a hallway and decided not to fly, and the people saw me.  They were saying I was dead.

A girl had come in and ate lunch.  I said that I bloated and couldn't feel good lying on my stomach or something when I didn't eat.  Someone else was eating, too.  I had a bar.  I even had a container of bars.  There were some bars sitting in a container somewhere else.  The ones somewhere else were jelly.  The ones in my bag were chocolate.  I got some other kind.  I think the other girls had something like jelly.

I'm not sure if it was a pirate song.  I think I imagined myself singing it.  It was with a choir.  I was simply a skilled or pleasant singer.  I'm not really, but I put in a lot of effort.

It was interesting when the teacher came in and seemed so dreamy and adamant about me for some, strange reason.  She was rather petite yet gross and not really appealing.  Well, she was in front, but her attitude was sly.  I mean on the surface!

N Word Thing

I'm thinking, oh well, at least that's over, but you know, it's not okay.  This all happened since the n word thing.

The Real Deal

I'm tired of the fascinations of others in the world like that England and L.A. do the real thing as in torturing you, and they're perverted, demented individuals.

White People

Do they have to go through assimilating to other non-white cultures?


I noticed that some people get mad they can't do things others do, racially, and then that they get mad when you want to do what they do, like as something new in your life.


You can't go wild like an animal thinking you have to do all these things no one else does.

You literally don't have shit on the n word thing.

You can't like get really mad about someone saying something smart that makes me feel smart, say it's okay, and then say it's not okay.

You can't act all goofy and submissive to someone chosing a punishment for me.

You know, this person is really gay about how the world treats them.  They say they were nice, but everyone knows they're not.  They'll bark back a simple answer because they're stupid about family and probably other things...


What's with all the showing off about being from the more west part of the U.S.?


I guess most people would be interested, when I was going into convulsions it was so gross and so horrific and realistic.

Also, when my arm was being felt for over like a long period of time, it was hard to describe, maybe what you'd expect.  I know it was very warm and physical and distant.  I was really standing up somewhere else.  I guess you get the picture?  It's not realy about sitting there and having someone give you pleasure, and that's the idea I'm getting you're thinking.  It's about something with meaning, like a clasic book.

Also, I woke up with the feeling of lots of tiny cries of horror about their babies being ruined but with people caring, actually.


I was imagining the frog|cat being a girl with sculpted pearly hair, and in the end I felt better.  I was trying to imagine how she was stimulated and got cut off.

Before I went to bed, I think I got mad and turned over thinking hysterically but not really that everyone else's eggs should be ruined, and I kept getting the reverberating feeling that people cared.  I'm still left with that feeling.


I was singing a pirate song in like a theater group.  I guess there was a leader like Ellen, but it wasn't like really her, just for some reason was becoming like her.  I was eating lunch.  For some reason, I was laying on the ground, with my left arm stretched out and my palm facing the floor.  It was interesting.  I guess the teacher was like a frog.  I could feel as though someone was like strangely putting their hands all over my arm from the hand up to my shoulder getting me to wake up to do the singing.  I didn't wake up.  That's happened to me before.

So, the bad thing is when I woke up, I had the strange sensation my left egg sack, which I thought was for a boy, was splitting up like little black seeds.  Someone really has a problem.  You know, I don't really care about different people and their first encounter moving to a place where I have original heritage.  You can't corner me in my bedroom while I'm trying to relax and soak in feelings.  All this happened because of the n word thing..  I don't care about the things you make up and htat you think you're all hovering over me and supposedly smarter and worth ... whatever I just got interrupted by the text moving.  Anyway, I waslying on my couch and heard a tick and felt that my right egg sack eggs were like blowing up like balloons.  How gay!  Just because I was teasing on my blog.  You couldn't handle it, none of you, and seeped into my private relations, sending me messages.  Some of you I don't want this relationship with.  8I  Then, I got the idea of someone under the guise of someone else saying something like, "Just doo it to do it."  Then, I felt that the eggs were little black seeds.  I don't care what you feel for my dad.  Whatever.

So, then, for some reason I had to propel myself further in my dream to imagine this frog, which turned into like an orange striped cat, kinda ugly and fake, picking me up with my hips secreuly loded at its side.  The gross part was then like I was on the floor again and it tried to stimulate me by picking me up at my neck.  It carried me away and then did something else even more perverted I don't remember.  I just was't moving.

Anyway, I woke up.  I felt as though I was in like a knit pink top, squirming around in horror suddenly at the vivid detail of the eggs, as though I were a kid.  I was really lying still.

So, I'm worried about the eggs in my egg sack.  I sorta felt the feeling like in front of it.  I was thinking of killing myself, not that I'd do it.

The gross thing that happened to me I guess was that I got an image of the evil cat walking away with me, small, on a gray path and background.  I stayed in my bed, despite the attack.  I just kept feeling stimulated at my private.


(Remember to get equipment.  I have dumbbells for my main workout DVD, and often a band or block is needed.)

Tweet @TheEllenShow 80 Wanna know a secret...

Do you wanna know a secret?  I was gonna eat more healthily, and then I got mad and punched my wall and my mom took me to get my blackheads taken out and it ruined my brain.  I never got the schedule going.

When People Raise From the Dead

Did you ever think of the repercussions of what happens after your actions?

I want to figure out what it was.

Who killed my grandma? *<=0


I keep getting pangs of artificial bossiness and rubbing in of related ideas.


My aunt keeps coming up.

Chloe Moretz

She is weird online.  8I

All Negativity

Now, everything in my life is negative because of the hysterics of the older adults in my life!  :0

Private Facebooks

That would be one way of sharing media.  }:)  Why not sell it?  I guess we can't copyright it.

Music on the Net

I have one understanding that it's legal.  I know some karaoke companies have taken down my work.  I mean, we could load our videos like onto Flickr.


Ellen: taunting, sassing, judgemental.

Who'd have known?  Why does she think she's right?  She's a bit on the dry side.  :p

My dad is a sicko.

He thinks that he has to do something important and life-changing like his youngest sister to prove his worth to an Asian.  Don't even get started with the sister who is older than her.


Who doesn't believe in experiencing a totally different sensation at different times, that things you thought were true weren't, like in different ways?  Why do I get that feeling?  What culture can it be attributed to?  Mostly the New Orleans area, but it's nice and sheltered here in Orlando.  New Olreans or the area is pretty sheltered, too.


Why would you have to be a certain person to do something good?  Who thinks being attractive is prematurely overrated and dead?

Tweet @TheEllenShow Emergency!

Ellen!  :0  Take a loot, or somebody, ... yea.  Look at this.  I was famous for posting to Johnny Depp and then Tim Burton and this attractive boy from England.. and then I thought someone wanted me to call them the n word!  :0  Look at this, a real human being, moved fresh for a few years, trapped in her room, from the New Orleans area, where Ellen is from.

So, just act stupid?

So, just act stupid randomly and that's productive?

Tweet @delena000fan @TheEllenShow - Twitter Like A Bird

I don't remember for sure.  I think I started on Twitter just to get an account.  Here's my first account:  I think I later might have posted for fun but maybe not.  I looked up Chloe Moretz after I saw Justin Bieber on "The David Letterman Show."  Eventually, I found Ellen.  I guess I've taken to it.

Tweet - What were you for Halloween?

0 - nothing
1 - nothing
2 - ?
3 - pumpkin
4 - elephant
5 - butterfly? - homemade costume used for school
6 - bat - just pants and a shirt with material under the arms and a picture on the front of like a moon with little bats, glow-in-the-dark, used to wear it to bed until it got too small, not too too long after
7 - dragon
8 - pumpkin
9 - indian (old costume from Thanksgiving festival, couldn't see my belly)
10 - Dorothy (jean jumper, white T-shirt, straw hat from dress I think, & I think basket from nearby shop in nation's oldest continuing city in Northeastern Florida)
11 - Dorothy (different jean jumper, white T-shirt, straw hat from dress I think, & I think basket from nearby shop in nation's oldest continuing city in Northeastern Florida)
12 - cat-witch (shirt I wore to Frankenweeenie & mini skirt I bought with partial pigtails & regular makeup with very red lipstick, black casual socks with lines & mini boots - I liked wearing boots a lot since I became old-fashioned when I was 9 in 1995, stopped when I became 20)
13 - probably the same thing
14 - not sure, maybe an indian
15 - fairy costume I had just finished with a green patterned cotton material and long sleeves slit up the sides, short dress wtih zig zags
16 - probably an indian
17 - ?
18 - nothing?
19 - my red hood
20 - glow-in-the-dark skeleton - was supposed to go to a step class in my costume, raving for events since..
21 - Elizabeth Swann, the Asian costume, colorful, like I think turquoise and red with maybe beady things, with a hat, probably wore sneakers or something - reached all the apartments in a building and some others but not my own, was so tired when I was done and stopped going out after that forever! until I went to the mental hospital...
22 - probably nothing
23 - probably nothing
24 - I forget. :(
25 - a short yellow dress with a cap like a milkmaid I got locally with my dad, think he paid for it

My mom goes trick-or-treating with me.  :|

RE4 8D


Tweet @TheEllenShow Madonna

Wow, she's probably one of the most accomplished names, out there..  Johnny Depp is the best-kept secret. }:)  Chloe Moretz worked with him.  It seems scary to work with someone born around 1957-1961.  Tim Burton is scary because he's from L.A., well, Burbank.  My dad worked at banks named Barnett and Hibernia, until moving to Orlando.  My friend didn't like me when she found my last name was Barrett.  I've heard it's a popular last name.  My other last names are Barrett-Donahue-Noon, Barber-Work, Barber-Burkhart-Kifer, Work-Mortimer, Work-Long & Work-Shultz, Rickard.   Ugh!  Maybe, I'll put up links to their origins...  Anyway, Madonna is pretty clean.  She's fun yet uptight.  I don't know.  I was brave enough to approach Tim Burton.

* Lovely *


So, she's like up to 12?

*Haphazard!* Aha! Ha! Ha! 8D

So, you do things without thinking and then find it is a big deal later and that you don't really do things like that much.

^ Twitter ^

So, I wonder if I should change my heading, sometime.  Nah.  Well, maybe someday?


What do you think about getting a message and later it having an after-effect?  8|

Ah! Finished IMDb! 3D

So, I caught up on some posts.  8|