I was dodging constantly and physically fighting my dad's desire to knock me out. My mom and I were even fighting with him with knives and something else.
There was a scene when I was with her as a little girl.
I dreamed that my thumb had been partially cut off, something I'd known before. My brother had cut off his 2 middle fingers.
I was fighting my dad for a long time. It was very hard and very stressful, but I knew it wasn't real but was very annoyed and managed to keep up with the thought of him.
Some people picked me up as we left, one girl with a mom born in 1958, and an older woman. I was leaving with a boy, immediately, who was shy of his father.
It was so stressful fighting my dad. We had to let him know we wouldn't really hurt him.
Something ... I forget. Ah, yes, my grandma. She was there at the beginning, a bit nasty, but left.
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