Tuesday, October 23, 2012





I was trying to have fun on the computer and I GOTTA GO NOW!


Stop making me not seem special!  I GOTTA GO!


I don't care about Ellen DeGeneres.  You're just jealous I follow her.




I noticed the picture of the little girl from NY...

HEY!  A bunch of stuff just popped up on my screen!

I gotta get ready to go.

Hey!  Now what?  The messages won't stop!!!!  Why now?  Anyway?

Going Crazy

80  That picture of the thin long black woman with the laptop is haunting me!

And I just noticed the orange in the background of a link I posted.

Psychologist 8I

She's gonna talk to my dad.  Last time, they talked about money.

Universal Horror Nights

My dad said my mom was gonna ask my brother to go.  He doesn't want to.  My dad will probably take me.  I was supposed to look it up last night.  We missed Beauty and the Beast.  I don't remember what else I was gonna say.


Okay, I was in a big class with Ellen DeGeneres, who somehow affected me, and there were 2 fat ladies who came in.

The other one was long, longer.  I got in a little trouble, oh yea, later.  Oh wait.  Before.  I said something because I thought the teacher was being mean, my homeroom teacher in 12th grade, who did the senior play, mentioned her in a prior dream related to drama but forgot to say she was my senior play director...  I think people just decided not to audition, now.  I wouldn't have done it if I went back.  So, then she rubbed my head with a paper, and it felt good.  Hey, I look like her and my college piano teacher, who I am pretty sure is the younger sister of my 12th grade band director, who had a daughter in the 1st year of high school.  Her daughter had fuzzy, crimped gold hair, very voluminous.  My piano teacher was very bubbly with reddish brown, medium bright hair, with a triangle-ish nose like my homeroom teacher.  So, then I had to step outside and got in trouble but not real, big trouble, just kinda there.

I was feeling good last night.  I guess I felt best when my head was rubbed.  It was saying something in words to me.

Hey, I just realized these dreams were both at school.  I realized Ellen DeGeneres was saying fat ladies picking you up and like touching you was not her point in life.  Well, good.  Now, I just wonder what Tim Burton's is, well probably like her, born the same time.  I guess my point is a little different. different generation but not submissive to just being stimulated, if you know what I mean...  People who were young in the 80s were about being stimulated and not just classical like people born around 1960, and you can gues the rest, that a lot of kids had moms and dads born around 1950 or 1953 and that the ones born later were for some reason submissive to pleasure in a more 90s, sorta basic molded way, if you know what I mean...  I gotta go, soon.  I guess, later, like people born around 1998, were more awake to physical handling.  8|

22 Nu Videos of Me Singing Uploading All Night 8I


Monday, October 22, 2012

My Best Experience in Music

It was playing in the band in college.  I tried out some percussion, I think a crash cymbal or something and maybe a drum, dunno, maybe not.  I tried maybe 2 bell sets and had to lug around my own.  I could also play violin tunes.  I think I was better than all the string majors.  8I  I did band in 12th grade at my 3rd high school, during a lunch break.  It was a small band but okay.  Not really satisfying other than musically.

New Photo of Me


New Videos of Me


Ellen DeGeneres

Is Ellen DeGeneres here to overturn my reputation?

I have some good pictures.  I wonder why she was so able to mold herself.

New Photo of Me

New Pictures of Me

I don't have any inborn qualm against anyone.

This just in.

talented artist

talented artist

Ellen DeGeneres

Stop teasing me! D8'

People won't stop teasing me that everything is supposed to hurt me.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show

New Photo

Happy Halloween!



STOP!  You think because I'm nice I'm just trying to be better and am bad and you're racist!

New Videos of Me


I am not a nigger!

Someone is being annoying!  I can have friends, too.  I am not a nigger!

I just got mad.

I just got mad.  Like someone else.  Before Frankenweenie.  Looking at clothes.  And for some reason I thought of the number "2" in the reactions under my blog post...  I felt I was shouting like air, like my dad was knocking me out, like I thought when he might had been driving, thinking of his mom, saying "Oh," reminds me of having a little hole in the middle of your lips.

It was about putting an outfit together someone made.  (My mom's mom was a tailor and partly a nun.)  She gave me a black dress with sequins I posted about that I don't ... wait a picture of me in sequins I don't have a picture of.  Something on a minor social networking site.  Pinterest..


I thought of a computing math thing in my butt.  That was in the story I wrote.

Oh, and Ellen DeGeneres is receiving an award today, where I went to school in the summer... and flunked out, had problems eating, under a church where I walked, elsehwere at a cafe, took an organ lesson after a concert.

I'm so mad I have to jot this down for help.  I want people to help and get him to stop, shove him out of the cave hole.  I'm trying to relax.  He's eating lunch.  I don't know if he just opened the fdorr!  Oh, someone named Doris-a, who posts about music and food, answered me just now.  She told me she had flabby arms, and I think her hands look African now.



He's sexing up Ellen DeGeneres for being nice to me and because I thought Helena Bonham Carter wanted me to call her daughter the n word, along with others.

And I was just thinking of one of the people actually carrying someone.


When I did the coloring in my last post, it made me think of Helena Bonham Carter...

I edited my last post.

What I Found Out

I just went to the bathroom and found if you wait you can poo more.  That you'll have to soon sometimes.

Well, it was soft like the tacos.  I hope that doesn't matter.  }:|  It might.  Well, later, it could.  :|


Apparently, they're selecting to bore things into our heads until no tomorrow, so that we can't like unravel it all, like with the help of others.


I don't like being stimulated like I have to think of something that has to do with nothing just because something is different.

Do the math.

My dad just thought of something really weird.

I heard a noise and thought of math.


What do you mean you're gonna fool me into meeting you?

How mean!

Can you believe how mean people will be to you?


If you think someone with a young mom is special, don't have to make everyone else suffer what you did.  :I


The police came in here and took me away to the mental hospital, no arguing, no believing me.  What if I called on my parents?  They'd trace my mental record.  If I get really mad, they do that, and now they won't have me back.

Also, I was recommended medicine that took away my period.  It's light now I've stopped.  I also know I didn't need the medicine.  I was prescribed it at 16, but I got off it.

Leading Ellen Astray

I don't know about always being with Portia and her mom in her spare time.  She just followed suit in L.A. like Tim Burton when he left.  I wonder what's so weird about him.  ☂


I don't really care how creative you are.  Well, I should because I'm an artist.  Well, I've done art, in a good way.  :I  Um, excuse me?  Leave me alone!  I just got a message on IMDb about Obama.  I get a sense of foreboding.  Of what's to cum.  I just find that like my family are very tacky and nasty.  They spam me.  They spam my life.

Spam! '=D

I said that you could call someone a nigger and it'd matter if you were older.  Why do you keep spamming me with stupid insults?


Well, my dad has been affecting my life and my mom's life and probably my brother's and so has my mom because of the likes of his family.  I don't care what they think.  It's about me for me, and I deserve my privacy in that regard|way.  I like attention, but I also ... So, yes, my dad has been basing my life on his aunt because she talked to me and thinks highly of me.  It's about her inklings and racist ways and ways of thinking I'm different, for some reason.  He's beat me to a pulp without me knowing, just because he's mean or I dunno what "stupid."  I saw him one day with my mom, well, in my head.

Unimportant ':0

I solve things, but I don't like say I'm gonna not like it, in the end.  I'm not even about doing like the most best thing you can do, if it doesn't work out, and it doesn't.  I have health issues.  I have mental goals.  At some point in my life, I'm going to experience feeling good.  I'm sick.  I'm hungry.  I'm tired.  I want to be left alone.  I post online, though, and want people to come to me.  I wouldn't actually mind if I somehow saw people, but I need rest and time alone.  I know I do get a lot of that, though.  So, that's good.  It's nice to be alone.  I actually get bothered if I'm not, enough.  It would be nice to be reclused away, but I wonder how I could do that.  It's fun living a more urban gamed life, too, LOL.  ':D

Barking Around

My dad thinks that people older than me are to be babied, as well as made precious.  I know people are barking around.

What's wrong with you? ':0


Gay and Nasty and Stupid

That's just gay and nasty and stupid.  Why would you change how I look because you're too gay to accept that I do something that poses as like a risk?  But not really.  Something weird.


He won't stop suggesting it's the pinnacle of existence to damage the way I look and stuff, well stuff in general.  What's going on here?  How did that happen?  Why are you allowed to do this to me?  I guess I'll never have any real friends.  Well, maybe, but it looks like the friends I have are no good.  Well, that stands to reason.

Videos of Me on YouTube Done Loading


My drumming got cut off.

I added a note.  :6

Nu Videos Being Uploaded


Onto Others

Why do people get onto others who do one thing wrong?  And then people associated with them who are nice to them.  8|

I just thought of something weird.

Wait, no, I didn't.  My dad did, or his mom made him think it.

What's wrong with you people?

I have other things to do in life.  I already said I'm mixed and don't finish my Goddamn thoughts.

My Point

Why do people keep being mean to me for what I post online, when they don't really even look at it?  I mean, they said they don't.  I was hoping they did.

My Dad

Why does my dad make fun of me, like for when I was a baby, like it was tacky?  Why was I made to seem older than my mom, in a way, but more stupid?


So, people do always have to come to some consensus.

Back to Bed?


I got a message in my bathroom from my dad.  :I  We're going to a mental place tomorrow, just to say I'm okay.  It made me wonder if I'd stay there.  I wonder if he's jealous of my blog.  :6  He said I didn't have to go.  I wonder why I keep getting messages from my parents, like my dad, that make me think about it and seem to take up my time.  Why does he keep affecting me, making me feel guilty, and skirting around getting away with it, knowing it's wrong?  Anyway, he just ordered my Halloween costume, so probably it's just an appointment.  How gay, though, I closed the laundry loudly when my mom came home and then they just didn't forget about it.  She made me think of a chord stuck up a penis in association with a boy... and then I thought of a chord, yesterday, from him, on my stomach, and it still bothers me.  That's just wrong.  He's simply stupid or something if he doesn't "know" that and not nice if he doesn't really care about it.  He deserves to be severely punished because it's really bugging me.

That Special One

You can certainly rub in attention from my parents that I don't.  I'm 26!  :0  Don't you think I had my chance?  I'm just here for quality time with them but am not with them a lot.  (Ow, I don't feel so good.)  It is nice when they think I'm special.  I didn't really think I'd care if in your way you got attention from them.  I don't know about like thinking you're better than me other than for a good reason, but I never wanted any reserve from attention from them and thought I thought through what I could think through about my feelings.  Ow, well, I don't feel good.  Please, get attention from them!  :0  Don't be lonely, and I don't want them to not be with other people.  It might be funny to see me in a certain relationship with them, as well.  I just feel people are ticking at me.  Like, maybe things were okay, and now they're exploring how I really feel, even at 26.  :I  I pretty much just look mature as a person but not for my age, unfortunately.  I'm just a brutally honest person.  I guess I just must be conceited about being thinner and shapely much of my like teenage life.  I'm not that thin.  I'm not that well shapely and am trying to gain substance.  Well, that's another topic.  :|  I've got on with lots of overweight people.  They just seem more ready to sit there and think like I do.  I guess a lot of people don't.  Then, I get made fun of for not looking like an adult, but most people my age I thought didn't, though I don't know right now.  Gonna look them up al ... online.  Okay, probably will lie down for awhile now.  :|


Well, I know a good picture to put up.  I was thinking of hair, as well as hair color.  I know I got nasty on YouTube last night but am not sure what to say just yet except sorry it happened and I don't mean it, like just was trying to say something else I guess, just as an implication, for current events and judgements.

Anyway, I do feel that my hair was made dark on purpose.  I just had to accept it because lots of people have dark hair.  Same with skin.  I'm not sure why.  I mean, it's nice when it's like multi-faceted.

I've had both light and dark hair but not very light, so it's like it's black or dark brown.  I always noticed a big difference with most people.

However, it's been pretty both strong-colored and sometimes maybe somewhat, usually strong colored in the good parts of my life, like when I Was older and maybe some points younger, but sometimes tempered.  Still, usually very dark brown.  Or black.  Or almost black.  :I

Well, I think different colors of hair are good.  Lots of people have nice kinds of hair.  It's nice to have a good medium.  Or be some style of extremes.


I just woke up, and my parents already woke up.  I feel kinda bad.  I guess I shouldn't have sweets between my meal.  :(  I had a dream but didn't feel like writing it.  I liked it, but it was a little vague but had lots of intellectual connections..  Back to bed?  Shower when they leave?

I think they're sore "about Nell Burton."  Why is she so pampered?  I sense an escalation.  Oh, let's just make an exception and kid around.  Let's not even do the right thing for her, sarcastically, no!  Why not give eery child the best?  Don't go crazy.

Wah!  Feel groggy.  What have I eaten?  I had 4 bagels with cream cheese.  8I  Finished a lot of it.  Do I need to diet or something?  I don't know, maybe not right now.  I'm hunngry.

My Point

Why would I be like people I know in ways I don't like?

YouTube Videos of Me Singing


Why would I repeat myself?

Other than for pleasure?  Wait.

Nell Burton

Wow, Nell Burton used to want attention for wanting to be dirty.  I see she went to school and grew up.  She does seem stimulated a lot but in an intellectual way, kinda like Ellen DeGeneres but not really...


Why do people who aren't like white|Caucasian plan out everything so much and then get bitter?

What a Waste of Time

Hm.  I think that Ellen DeGeneres is playing around with Nell Burton, thinking she deserves to be like her in a good way.  Nell Burton can't get over herself, not literally, but that's how people make her feel.  Well, wait, that makes sense.  I just found that I was to be a different way.  I'm trying to pick a certain way to be out of my mind, if that's alright.  I also end up looking like the people I follow.  Some things take awhile.  8|

Well, I guess that's an interesting "thing."  I just felt that it was that she was more repsected, really, and she doesn't have to do anything to get stimulated.  Well, she is rich.  Why like rub it in?  I mena, like that?  Who's going to participate?

Also, why are people older than me more impressive?  I mean with older parents?  Well, they aren't all older than me.

I do want Nell Burton to be like her in a good way.  I feel better about the sentiment, now.  Why should I feel bad about myself?  I DON'T DESERVE NOTHING.  JUST FORGET IT!  I think I'm my own person.  I sorta did "what I was supposed to do," and I find myself on top.

Nell Burton is so like the most stimulated person in the world, feels so good about herself.  Why is that suggestive to you?  Suggestive to evolve into more "intelligence?"  I guess that's "how it went."  Hm.  I'm at a blank and ready to have some fun now...  I'm sorry if you want to complain about your childhood to me.  R.I.P.  <*>

So, Nell hasn't from those around her showed up herself to be like ready to present herself as wanting to be a certain way and is encouraged to be that way over me.

Hm, I have a picture of sisters with white hair, but I don't think those girls are the same, anymore.  They're from Hollywood and moved to Florida.

Hm, when I was a baby I wasn't sexed up.

Bah!  8I

I should have said it differently. ^0^

I just meant that you seem to have desires other than that which you entice.

Ellen DeGeneres

Why do you think you're so good, just a tool?  Everything is a joke, something I wouldn't get up and do.  What does that say about you?  '8|

I don't know if where you're from is perfect.


Leave me alone!  I keep getting hints from my dad pressing things on me.  Don't press them on me.  Some things shouldn't happen.  He wants me to be affected by his paying attention to me because of the n word thing.  I don't want him.  He's hurting me.  I feel a lot of inner pressure.  It's taking so much energy.  It didn't before.  It's only a mistake from the n word thing!

What are you doing?  Stop ruining my life.

Oh, Ellen DeGeneres doesn't understand anything.  She makes up things.  Like, you have a picture up I guess and you look more like it.  Also, I don't think I'm Native American.  What if I am?  It's not that much.  I'm not like that.  Most people must be more.

My dad needs to stop.  He doesn't make sense.  He's trying to get me into a trap.

I pay attention to different people and pick up bad things, but this is just really bad.  It's because of lots of things, mainly the n word thing, which shouldn't matter and isn't caused by me.  It doesn't matter because I was sent a message in an uncomfortable way to do it, and no one admits that.  So, there is no issue, there, but there seems to be.  I already solved that problem, and I wasn't being visious, so quit getting me that way.  Look at my blog.

Why am I being bothered by other people?  I can only guess that I'm becoming more aware in a Mickey Mouse way but an in a lot of turmoil and pressure.  I don't feel I'm quite all there, neither, which is a good feeling.

So, I guess Ellen DeGeneres is sensitive about her short hair.  I don't want to think she's better because of it.  She's pretty good at sporting short hair.  I haven't had much hair, lately, but I never wanted it that way.  Maybe, I'll grow better hair, myself, if that's okay.  Why do people think of things in weird ways, like oh it has to be white hair, not that it means anything.  Everything isn't white.  Gold is a more medium color to focus on.  Dark hair is okay, though.  I don't know if anyone really wants it.  I think that people with medium brown hair are often different, like dirty blondes.  Remember, before, in the 90s and probably before I'm pretty sure it was a big deal how dirty blondes sported their hair, or should I say medium blondes?  Like, they had it lighter than some people, but like they sported it like dirt?  Like they didn't even care?  Oh well, bye for the moment.

White People

You all don't really have everything you like should.  Don't get mad at me because you presented something a certain way.  Some people won't contend to life.  Don't complain to me for your decisions because it's too late.  You can change, but you're not, I see.

Halloween 8| [*]

I asked my dad to order my costume before!  He didn't, though!  Why?  Why'd he ruin my life?  What is he, some kind of sissy?  >8<  It will supposedly be delivered on the 23-29.  I WANT IT.  It's just a little costume from eBay.  Why do you think you deserve to dress up?  I didn't get any clothes this month!  '8I  Will you weird people leave me alone?  Oh, you don't really dress up on Halloween, so it doesn't matter, eh?  WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY DAD?  HE'S GONNA DIE AND LEAVE ME AND GO TO HEAVEN?  WHY?  You all don't deserve to make any statements.  You all deserve to *beep* for ruining my life!  I'll just ruin yours!  Wait, will I?  Isn't your life already ruined?  You deserve to be punished.  For ruining others's lives.  Stop doing twisted things to stimulate my life in suggestive ways that are shitty.  Your life should be ... in a different way...  Please, don't sit here and play word games like there's no tomorrow.  You just back off.  You weird person who thinks that you're so smart.  Just go away, you can't be someone else.  You can't play around with me.  Not like that...  I don't feel well and don't know what to type.  Stop ruining my life.  You're not my mother ... hey, and don't interfere with my other relationships.  Stop, making me type this stuff!  '8E  Hey!  Just go away and leave me alone.  I want you to be t******* forever!  Stop!  You can't make someone else the princess.  Stop saying I don't deserve this and that.  Next time I see you, you're gonna act like it's okay again.

Ellen DeGeneres is mean.  Your messages are not good.  This is all ruined because of the n word thing, and you can't ruin my life because of it.  I'm not gonna say I'm not on some accord.  Why do you affect me so?  Anyway, why are you so antsy about if I will like submit to guilt from it?   I am very mad.  I don't need my dad in this way.  I'm 26 and responsible.  Why can't you accept what that means?  Why do I "have to say it?"  What's wrong with you?  Why are you wasting everybody's time?'


Never! '80

Ellen DeGeneres, quit ruining my life because of the n word thing!  You can't dictate what you want me to feel from my dad!  What the Hell?  What do you think you're doing!  '80

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Edit on My 1st YouTube Video! 8|

Oh, sorry, I think I said something kinda bad here. Something upset me, that my dad might die... It came to me. That was bad it was so physical. It shouldn't have come to me. Why? When I feel better, it might go away, but I just saw a shadow of a person, not sure, but pretty clearly, and then the feet of a dog elsewhere, by our house. 8| I took pictures and showed my mom.

Hey, it's still bothering me. 8|

How could you?

How can you get mad at me for being in a risk for being so good but think other people like in Europe don't have to go through it, specifically?

Sorry, I meant 5.

New Videos of Me


I'm loading 10 of me speaking, about 10 minutes each.  I was trying to recap the day's events, didn't get to everything.  I got really, really mad but withheld.

Oh, yes, at the grocery store, a boy, who was like 1 and not much older, toddling along, and he just reflected the spirit of Christmas!  I got candy corns.  :I  It was because of me!  8D

Something else bothered me.

Something else bothered me.  D8'  So, Ellen DeGeneres copies other people but herself isn't much like that in substance?

Then, something else bothered me.

D8' Hey!

I just went in and talked to my dad and I felt a disgusting chord on the front of my stomach!  It's irritating me now, making me mad!  When I think about it, when it comes to me.  This is so ridiculous.  I don't want to waste my time with this.  I wonder what that suggests.  Don't get mad at me or whatever just because I made a point.  And I didn't do it in English.

New Photo - yummy - how cute - 8D


New Photos of Me


More Useless Messages?

Just so you know, the n word thing happened on The Princess and the Frog board, where I am lucky to still have my BabyFrog account.

I sense some gay, stupid things in the air, so shut up before I *beep* you.

I sense that someone like posing as Tim Burton, like someone who did maybe, should be eradicated for talking to me on my Monster-Baby account.  My other one I lost.  The producer of the movie I made it for died.  He also did The Sound of Music...

Then, I sensed myself being like slammed for doing an Anne Frank monologue I couldn't finish.  I did a short one they gave me and didn't make it.  Now, I'm waiting and filling up before I set out again, waiting until I'm really comfortable.  8I

Oh, and you shouldn't feel offended, so don't.  Wait, why do I get the sense I have darker hair, all of a sudden, in a weird way?

Trying to Set Things Right 8|

So, I guess some things make me feel at ease and some things don't.

I don't really want to get mad and call people niggers.

I don't want to post useless messages to star crossed lovers.

Don't make me lose my cool!

It seems like when something good happens that doesn't have anything to do with someone, someone will act up.

Since the n word thing, people I know've lost respect for me.

People are just getting antsy hoping something bad would happen to me if they weren't bad to me first and made me lose my cool.

Go wallow with the other pigs in the mud! =8e

Oh, so, my dad thinks of something renders a pleasant idea later, it's okay.

CAN YOU PEOPLE STOP LISTENING TO HIM AND SUCKING UP TO HIM AGAINST ME?  Why didn't you do it to anyone else?  I don't want you to, dummy, but it seemt to fit the bill.  Bill?!  80  You made me say that!  You don't even know what I'm talking about.

I feel picked on for feeling, and I'm trying to set my life in order at 26.  I feel so much pressure and ripping apart.  How niggerish.

If you're so fascinated with nigger details, why don't you go wallow in the mud with other pigs like yourself!  =8e

Leave my friends alone! 80

Stop suggesting things to people just because they annoy me, you racist nigger!

Ah, I need to get out! 8o

Quit Tailing Me

I keep getting vibes from my dad's nigger orders!  I use the word nigger, and he crafts some grand interaction with me through others behind my back.  Is that even legal?  To bother me?  I don't want to arrest you because then it will affect my life.  8|

You don't have to cut off your whole relationship.  I don't know why I keep hearing reverberations of annoying interactions.  I like being alone.  My life is plastered online, and I post videos on YouTube.  I'm not sure what we're focusing on, here.  8I

What the Hell?

What are you disgusting figment of my imagination doing to my blog?  Are you stupid?  80

New Race

About Me

"Viking last name + Scottish, Jewish, French, Irish, English"

Sly Singers

They have affected my frame of being.  '8|

Get Down, Slave!

Oh, so, you want me to put you down just so I can't look up to you?  Maybe, you shouldn't look up to who you chose to.

Also, it's people who aren't white who won't keep a good idea going.

Why do you keep popping up?

So, why do you keep popping up like a perv?  Why is that gonna happen?  YOU KNOW, MOST PEOPLE DON'T WANT IT TO.

A Spoiled Brat

Now, my arm feels stimulated after seeing that disgusting rendering of a black woman.  QUIT IT!  WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?  SHOULD WE SOMEHOW SHAKE YOU AND NOT HARM YOU, or is that impossible ... to take out our anger or something?  Oh, you wanna suggest I'd do that to people.  You're way out of your league.  You think you're so cute and sexy in that way, like Johnny Depp or my dad, but you're just a spoiled brat.

The Chinese

Hey, why did you send me a perverted message?  Are you jealous of my relationship?

I just got the message that this person thinks I will always be "a nigger" to someone.  Don't call me that, you nigger, just because you are one.  You just did it to be stupid and worthless beyond reason.  What's your problem?  Are you just some mental nut online or in your head or whatever?  Oh, and then you associated it with ... well, I saw an ad on my computer and it bothered me.  It was a thin black woman with short hair with a laptop who looked kinda stupid ... hey, Ellen posted pictures of stupid babies.  Hey, I can say whatever I want about you and am pretty nice.  You quit your stupid attitude about the n word thing.  I could just *beep* you for being stupid for pretend and sucking up to my dad.  All these messages came from you.  You think I'm insane, but you want the world to "know" things, things that aren't real.  You're just showing off reveling in Helena Bonham Carter and her daughter.  You keep avoiding the facts and do nothing because you're scared of my stupid father who just gripes about the n word thing, which is his fault.  You think you're so powerful, but you're not.  You never were.  You're just a toy.  Why don't you QUIT!  You're probably dreaming of torturing my future daughter.  You don't even know what you're doing.  You think you do.  I read your father wasn't from America and that your mom was from New Orleans and so is your brother.  Why don't you get in with the crap and shut up?  You don't like good people.  I tried to get you to.  How do I know, knowing my life is an experiment, that you didn't get that hacked on my computer.  I don't know "who did it."  I just know that it's your fault.  Now, my dad will gayly joke about that.  He's sleeping now.  What's your problem?  You're mean.  I don't care if you're famous.  You can be messed up.  Maybe, you're on target, but you're spoiled.  I didn't mean necessarily by your parents.  I don't know "what" you think of me, but I find other people disgusting!  ';6  And I don't mean to offend anyone nor the reader|you.

You must be Jewish.  ':(  What the fuck do you think I am?  My ancestors?  You shouldn't even know who they are, eh, because I don't?  I mean, it would be nice if you did or anyone, in reality, but it doesn't mean I'm stupid.  Why are you Jewish people so stupid and kill us Europeans for feeling things?  People deny the Jewish were really bad in the Holocaust.  I guess the Jewish like stupid people.  I don't know why you and Helena Bonham Carter think you're over and above everyone.  Because you're not.  You're weak sissies who cower in relationships, and I don't mean that in a stupid way.  I'm not pointing fingers at her in particular.

I'm tired of you gay Jews thinking you can look Chinese but are disgusting.  Don't blame me!  I don't make anyone like the Chinese in weird ways.  There are very attractive, likeable Chinese out there.

Anyway, just checking in to whatever I thought online for no good reason.

Why do you people think you have a race with such big noses and are dominant over me?  Make you "feel good?"  Well, I don't think that's how things have to be.

Also, I'm my own person.

I don't know why you blame your problems on the Chinese.


All my dad does is sit there and get back at me.  Something good happens or someone makes a point that makes me feel good but not them.