Monday, October 22, 2012

My Best Experience in Music

It was playing in the band in college.  I tried out some percussion, I think a crash cymbal or something and maybe a drum, dunno, maybe not.  I tried maybe 2 bell sets and had to lug around my own.  I could also play violin tunes.  I think I was better than all the string majors.  8I  I did band in 12th grade at my 3rd high school, during a lunch break.  It was a small band but okay.  Not really satisfying other than musically.

New Photo of Me


New Videos of Me


Ellen DeGeneres

Is Ellen DeGeneres here to overturn my reputation?

I have some good pictures.  I wonder why she was so able to mold herself.

New Photo of Me

New Pictures of Me

I don't have any inborn qualm against anyone.

This just in.

talented artist

talented artist

Ellen DeGeneres

Stop teasing me! D8'

People won't stop teasing me that everything is supposed to hurt me.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show

New Photo

Happy Halloween!



STOP!  You think because I'm nice I'm just trying to be better and am bad and you're racist!

New Videos of Me


I am not a nigger!

Someone is being annoying!  I can have friends, too.  I am not a nigger!

I just got mad.

I just got mad.  Like someone else.  Before Frankenweenie.  Looking at clothes.  And for some reason I thought of the number "2" in the reactions under my blog post...  I felt I was shouting like air, like my dad was knocking me out, like I thought when he might had been driving, thinking of his mom, saying "Oh," reminds me of having a little hole in the middle of your lips.

It was about putting an outfit together someone made.  (My mom's mom was a tailor and partly a nun.)  She gave me a black dress with sequins I posted about that I don't ... wait a picture of me in sequins I don't have a picture of.  Something on a minor social networking site.  Pinterest..


I thought of a computing math thing in my butt.  That was in the story I wrote.

Oh, and Ellen DeGeneres is receiving an award today, where I went to school in the summer... and flunked out, had problems eating, under a church where I walked, elsehwere at a cafe, took an organ lesson after a concert.

I'm so mad I have to jot this down for help.  I want people to help and get him to stop, shove him out of the cave hole.  I'm trying to relax.  He's eating lunch.  I don't know if he just opened the fdorr!  Oh, someone named Doris-a, who posts about music and food, answered me just now.  She told me she had flabby arms, and I think her hands look African now.



He's sexing up Ellen DeGeneres for being nice to me and because I thought Helena Bonham Carter wanted me to call her daughter the n word, along with others.

And I was just thinking of one of the people actually carrying someone.