Friday, October 19, 2012

Tweet @TheEllenShow

I'm trying to narrow down my options.  I keep coming back for stuff.

I'll probably get tired of music, but I could keep coming back and singing old songs.  Eventually, I'd find new ones.

I can't concentrate well doing ballet all day.  I used to.

Just posting about Tim Burton, eventually I want to be an actor.

I tried to escape to music school but picked the wrong major.  Now, I'm too old.  After awhile, I didn't feel good and just felt too old.  I left the beginning of my junior year.  I also didn't get in a good major.  I guess it was a good thing I did what I did, might have been more relaxing some other way.  Now, I should think of getting out a CD.  Maybe, I should get a TV show on supernatural things.  And touching people.  That doesn't really match.  I still feel like a kid, though.  I like kids more and more, still.  I get to feeling like funny.  Maybe, I should be a singer.  I mean like Charlotte Church, except I am older and not from Europe.  I'm not looking forward to getting the rights.  I'm all over YouTube.  I didn't get much interaction there, but I'm there.  My voice isn't very strong.  It used to be, but it's better now.  I was supposed to make a Christmas CD a year ago.  I was gonna do it by the summer.  Maybe, I'll do some different songs and get a better background and do some dancing.  I wonder why other people don't sing.  Maybe, they want to see other people sing, first.  Something just escaped me.  I was gonna be a singer, then I decided to go to college, but I don't know why.  Now, I can't pick a major.  I looked at a college I was at and see I could go back and they offer Ballet IV.  They also took away Ballet I, which I never took at my college in New Orleans though was suggested to go back and do or maybe level II again.  :(  So, I could do Voice there.  I wish my parents would move there.  Oh well.  I guess I'm just worried about my health.  So, how do you watch TV at college?  I guess I could watch it online.  :)  I still feel kinda old to be seen in a college.  Maybe, I'll get a job at Disney.  I feel too old to be a performer nor be in the college program.  I could make a lot of money if I recorded a CD.  I'm not sure what I'll do if I don't go to college, but I don't like travelling around Orlando.  I just don't feel like working now.  The n word thing put me back, too.  It also handicapped me.

Thank you, so much, for your help and inspiration!  I still fail to see why Hollywood doesn't matter.  I'm tailgaiting Tim Burton.

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