Thursday, October 25, 2012


Did you ever think of the repercussions of calling someone a nigger just in case someone else does?

What do you think of being restricted and disrespected and reconstricted?

What's Ellen's problem?

She's trying to look cool but is just being tacky and then complaining about it.

My Dad's Threat, Looming

He thinks that he's made the rules clear and will no longer reinforce them.  In case you don't know what those rules are, he thinks I have to like constantly suffer because I thought someone wanted me to call them the n word.

How Many Times to I Have to Make Myself Clear.... 8I

I don't approve of being mean to people nor making them do unnecessary things nor that they have to, especially in this day and age.

Back Off

Ellen, if you wanna look disgusting, don't blame me.


Bad People

I can tell they are being sarcastic at me and don't want me to do anything about it, but it bothers me.  They'll just keep at me and do something mean to me next.  I think it's a waste of time and uncool and unfair.

However, when I think about it, it doesn't really matter.  Wait, today, something kinda serious happened.  I guess Ellen is gay over Nell.

Ellen's Extremities o---o

I guess Ellen worships Helena Bonham Carter to a pulp.

Horse Shit 8|

I keep getting disgusting reverberations from certain someone, of late, and I don't know why nor do I really care...  I hear horseshit, deep and low.

Baby Boomers

They want to recite how they suck up to people born the age of their parents.


What do you think of someone who used to think quietly in the background but now seems to control the universe?

Gay, Retarded Niggers 08

They won't quit, these Goddamn Baby Boomers!


These clicks are now disgusting.  It used to be cool with Tim Burton.


I'm not being respected in private and keep being interrupted with clicks and maybe other stuff.  I thought someone wanted me to call them the n word a few years ago who was almost 2, and bad words pop up in my head because of what others make me think and then I get in trouble.


 keep hearing clicks at certain moments that like totally rearrange my face.  Of course, other stuff must happen.

I also got the message that because I ate the spinach I have to think retardedly about my future husband not picking up our future children.

I don't wanna sit here all day and here women pee in their parents over my father.

Just Did Some Core Work-Outs


*Aw, this is so cute!* 8D


Not Feeeling Anything

So, why do you have to be messed up to feel?

Ellen's Nose Etc.

Ellen had a pimple like a witch.  I wrote a story about a girl whose mom was a witch, but it wasn't a big part of the story, which was very short.

What do you think of Ellen receiving the award?
