Monday, October 22, 2012

Ellen DeGeneres

Why do you think you're so good, just a tool?  Everything is a joke, something I wouldn't get up and do.  What does that say about you?  '8|

I don't know if where you're from is perfect.


Leave me alone!  I keep getting hints from my dad pressing things on me.  Don't press them on me.  Some things shouldn't happen.  He wants me to be affected by his paying attention to me because of the n word thing.  I don't want him.  He's hurting me.  I feel a lot of inner pressure.  It's taking so much energy.  It didn't before.  It's only a mistake from the n word thing!

What are you doing?  Stop ruining my life.

Oh, Ellen DeGeneres doesn't understand anything.  She makes up things.  Like, you have a picture up I guess and you look more like it.  Also, I don't think I'm Native American.  What if I am?  It's not that much.  I'm not like that.  Most people must be more.

My dad needs to stop.  He doesn't make sense.  He's trying to get me into a trap.

I pay attention to different people and pick up bad things, but this is just really bad.  It's because of lots of things, mainly the n word thing, which shouldn't matter and isn't caused by me.  It doesn't matter because I was sent a message in an uncomfortable way to do it, and no one admits that.  So, there is no issue, there, but there seems to be.  I already solved that problem, and I wasn't being visious, so quit getting me that way.  Look at my blog.

Why am I being bothered by other people?  I can only guess that I'm becoming more aware in a Mickey Mouse way but an in a lot of turmoil and pressure.  I don't feel I'm quite all there, neither, which is a good feeling.

So, I guess Ellen DeGeneres is sensitive about her short hair.  I don't want to think she's better because of it.  She's pretty good at sporting short hair.  I haven't had much hair, lately, but I never wanted it that way.  Maybe, I'll grow better hair, myself, if that's okay.  Why do people think of things in weird ways, like oh it has to be white hair, not that it means anything.  Everything isn't white.  Gold is a more medium color to focus on.  Dark hair is okay, though.  I don't know if anyone really wants it.  I think that people with medium brown hair are often different, like dirty blondes.  Remember, before, in the 90s and probably before I'm pretty sure it was a big deal how dirty blondes sported their hair, or should I say medium blondes?  Like, they had it lighter than some people, but like they sported it like dirt?  Like they didn't even care?  Oh well, bye for the moment.

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